Soul / Spiritual Friendship
Soul Friendship can be expressed in many ways; including relationships such as Discipleship and Spiritual Direction, etc.
Discipleship : engaging fellow disciples in prayerful conversation and spiritual practices
One of the key ways in which we encourage engagement in this spiritual practice is through the use of DBS (Discovery Bible Study) in small group and / or one-on-one relationships. DBS is much more than a Bible Study; intentionally including a number of elements important to creating and guiding quality soul friendships. If you would like more information on how you can make use of the DBS, please click here.
Confession: sharing weaknesses and failures with God and confidantes to receive grace.
Counseling: seeking God’s guidance and help through someone you trust and respect.
Spiritual Direction: interacting with a mentor to discern what God is saying to you. This often involves the services of a trained Spiritual Director. For information on qualified Spiritual Directors, who are members of ACSD ( Association of Christian Spiritual Directors), the please click here.