The Chapel’s Core Values
Value People
- Place people above programmes
- Prioritise relational connection
- Strive for unity and relational well-being
- Respond to the reality of people’s lives
Promote Spiritual Growth
- Teach and practice spiritual disciplines
- Name and cultivate spiritual gifts for service
- Practice a culture of discipleship
- Thread prayer through everything

Provide Responsive Leadership
- Listen to the Spirit and lead with His guidance and wisdom
- Ensure processes and structures are responsive and flexible
- Serve in teams around a common purpose
- Deliver quality teaching so that God’s Truth can be applied today
Enable Effective Mission
- Know our wider community well
- Reach out to our local community and beyond
- Offer hospitality and address poverty
- Equip our people to share a reason for the hope we have in Jesus
In 2012, as a result of a church-wide consultation, a list of ‘Our Values and Priorities Going Forward’ was created. Following a period of discussion and review and discussion in 2018, the list was further refined to become, The Chapel—Core Values.