Where is your town?
Within the idea of the The Ten Towns, there is is this understanding that we each have a town, or towns: the place or places that God has called us and planted us. These are the places where we live, work and socialize.
To help you think about how you might serve God’s purposes in your town, we have developed these 6 simple steps. Not a formula, but prompts for prayer, reflection and action.

See Prayer on the Road read more
Naming is about taking time to slow down and to see the neighbourhood. To sense God in the neighbourhood. To see the neighbourhood as God sees it.
Celebrating is about ways in which we give recognition to the good things within the Neighbourhood.
Nurturing is about helping communities flourish. It begins by imagining what the neighbourhood can become and then formulating strategies to bring it into existence. It involves bringing hope and healing.
Inviting is about encouraging those in our communities to take steps forward towards Jesus. It has been suggested that there are three primary stages of invitation:
- Invite them to tell their story. Get to know them.
- Invite them to imagine a new story,
- Invite them to live in that new story.
When the time is right, invite them to Discover Jesus through a Discovery Bible Study read more
Name, Celebrate, Nurture and Invite are drawn from “God Next Door: Spirituality and Mission in the Neighbourhood” by Simon Carey Holt. Our use of this is an acknowledgement of the usefulness of these concepts.